Après le cycle du Carême, celui du temps pascal et des différentes fêtes qui le suivent, nous voici ramenés au cycle du temps ordinaire qui nous fait lire l’Evangile pas à pas. Et en cette année A, nous cheminons avec l’Evangile selon saint Matthieu. Justement avant la page d’aujourd’hui, le Christ a envoyé ses disciples en mission, avec des consignes et une feuille de route. Mais surtout il les a avertit : cette mission ne sera pas un long fleuve tranquille : vous ne serez pas toujours reçus, vous serez mêmes moqués, méprisés, voire détestés ou même persécutés.
Ne craignez pas !
C'est la fête !
Une prière de Newman
May He support us all the day long,
till the shadows lengthen
and the evening comes
and the busy world is hushed
and the fever of life is over
and our work is donethen in His mercy
may He give us safe lodging
and a holy rest and peace at the last.
Bx John Henry Newman -
Prêtres de l'Oratoire, in "persona Christi"
Béatification du Cardinal Newman en septembre par le pape Benoit XVI, lors de son voyage en GB
BEATIFICATION OF CARDINAL NEWMANBY POPE BENEDICT XVI CONFIRMEDThe Fathers and many friends of the English Oratories are delighted by the official announcement that our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI will beatify our founder, the Venerable John Henry Newman, in the Archdiocese of Birmingham during his visit to Britain in September. Newman made his home in the Archdiocese for all his adult life, first in Oxford, where he lived as an Anglican and was received into the Catholic Church, and later in Birmingham itself where he founded and worked in the Birmingham Oratory for over forty years.The Holy Father's life-long devotion to Newman has made a profound contribution to understanding the depth and significance of our founder's legacy. His decision to beatify Newman in person confers a unique blessing upon the English Oratories and all who have drawn inspiration from Newman's life and work.We joyfully look forward to welcoming the Holy Father, as well as the many pilgrims and visitors who will come to the Beatification ceremony and visit Newman's shrine at the Birmingham Oratory.We also look forward to the challenging work of preparing for the Beatification in conjunction with Church and civil authorities. We pray that the Beatification will fittingly reflect both Newman's significance for the Universal Church and the honour paid to our Archdiocese and our country by the Holy Father's presence among us.Very Rev. Richard DuffieldProvost of the Birmingham Oratoryand Actor of the Cause of John Henry Newman