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  • "Il y a un temps pour tout" : et l'éternité, alors ?

    263-small.jpgLe livre biblique de l'Ecclésiaste nous livre une méditation désabusée sur l'existence. Leconte de Lisle la commente en la renversant : et l'éternité alors ?






    L’Ecclésiaste a dit : Un chien vivant vaut mieux
    Qu’un lion mort. Hormis, certes, manger et boire,
    Tout n’est qu’ombre et fumée. Et le monde est très vieux,
    Et le néant de vivre emplit la tombe noire.

    Par les antiques nuits, à la face des cieux,
    Du sommet de sa tour comme d’un promontoire,
    Dans le silence, au loin laissant planer ses yeux,
    Sombre, tel il songeait sur son siège d’ivoire.

    Vieil amant du soleil, qui gémissais ainsi,
    L’irrévocable mort est un mensonge aussi.
    Heureux qui d’un seul bond s’engloutirait en elle !

    Moi, toujours, à jamais, j’écoute, épouvanté,
    Dans l’ivresse et l’horreur de l’immortalité,
    Le long rugissement de la Vie éternelle.

  • Le programme de la visite du Pape en Grande-Bretagne : le voici

    main-logo.pngEvents Timeline

    This is the full detailed schedule for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the UK. Background detail on the venues can be found in our Itinerary section.

    Thursday, 16 September

    08:10 Departure from Ciampino Airport Rome
    10:30 Arrival at Edinburgh International Airport Edinburgh
    11:00 State Welcome and Audience with HM Queen Elizabeth II, Palace of Holyrood House  

    State Reception in the grounds of the Palace of Holyrood House

    Address: HM The Queen
    Address: The Holy Father

    13:00 Private Lunch with the Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Archbishop's House  

    Pope Benedict XVI presides at the celebration of Mass, Bellahouston Park

    Homily: The Holy Father

    20:00 Departure from Glasgow Airport for London Heathrow  
    21:25 Arrival at London Heathrow Airport London

    Friday, 17 September

    08:00 Private Celebration of Mass in the Chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature London

    Celebration of Catholic Education, St Mary's University College, Twickenham

    Prayer with Representatives of Religious Congregations in St Mary's Chapel

    Greeting: The Holy Father

    Gathering with Schoolchildren and Students, Sports Arena, including the inauguration of the John Paul II Institute for Sport

    Address: The Holy Father


    Meeting with Religious Leaders and People of Faith, Waldegrave Drawing Room, St Mary's University College, Twickenham.

    Speech: The Holy Father


    Fraternal Visit to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lambeth Palace

    Speech: Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
    Speech: The Holy Father


    Address to Civil Society, Westminster Hall, Palace of Westminster

    Speech: The Holy Father


    Celebration of Evening Prayer, Westminster Abbey

    Speech: The Holy Father
    Speech: Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury


    Saturday, 18 September

    09:00 Courtesy Call from the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Archbishop's House, Westminster London
    09:20 Courtesy Call from the Deputy Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP, Archbishop's House, Westminster  
    09:30 Courtesy Call from the Acting Leader of HM Opposition, the Rt Hon Harriet Harman MP, Archbishop's House, Westminster  

    Mass in the Cathedral of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Westminster

    Pope Benedict will greet 2,500 young people gathered in the Piazza to welcome him

    Pope Benedict will greet the people of Wales

    Greeting and Homily: The Holy Father


    Visit to St Peter's Residence for Older People, Vauxhall

    Speech: The Holy Father


    Prayer Vigil on the Eve of the Beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman, Hyde Park

    Speech: The Holy Father


    Sunday, 19 September

    08:00 Farewell to the Apostolic Nunciature, Wimbledon London
    08:45 Departure by Helicopter for Birmingham, Wimbledon Park  
    09:30 Arrival by Helicopter in Birmingham Birmingham

    Celebration of Mass with the Beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman, Cofton Park, Birmingham

    Homily and Angelus: The Holy Father

    13:10 Private Visit to the Oratory of St Philip Neri, Edgbaston, Birmingham  
    13:45 Lunch with the Bishops of England, Scotland and Wales and the Papal Entourage, Oscott College  

    Meeting with the Bishops of England, Scotland and Wales, Seminary Chapel, Oscott College

    Speech: Cardinal Keith Patrick O'Brien
    Speech: Archbishop Vincent Nichols
    Speech: The Holy Father


    Departure Ceremony, Birmingham International Airport

    Speech: The Holy Father

    18:45 Departure by air from Birmingham International Airport  
    22:30 Arrival at Ciampino Airport Rome
  • Des hommes et des dieux

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